Coaching and Mentoring at Work
Since the publication of their first edition ten years ago, Mary Connor and Julia Pokora have been instrumental in raising awareness of the benefits to organisations, not least the NHS, of Coaching and Mentoring at Work. This third edition builds on the content of the previous two whilst maintaining at its core the practical application of Gerrard Egan’s Skilled Helper Model. There are useful chapters outlining different tried and tested approaches to coaching and mentoring, the ethical challenges and dilemmas that might confront a Mentor and useful tips from experts in the field.
Since the publication of their first edition ten years ago, Mary Connor and Julia Pokora have been instrumental in raising awareness of the benefits to organisations, not least the NHS, of Coaching and Mentoring at Work. This third edition builds on the content of the previous two whilst maintaining at its core the practical application of Gerrard Egan’s Skilled Helper Model. There are useful chapters outlining different tried and tested approaches to coaching and mentoring, the ethical challenges and dilemmas that might confront a Mentor and useful tips from experts in the field.